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Customer Comments

Thank you fafb. I wouldn't use anyone else. Regards

Excellent site. Can’t beat it. Highly recommend if buying or selling..

Great site to sell many thanks – Leslie D


FAFB are brilliant and very helpfull

Great facility. Well worth using to advertise what you are selling to the fishing community

Sold boat within 1 hr of listing

Excellent site for selling a boat

fantastic website. easy to navigate & use. – Roger M

An amazing site reach the whole industry five stars from me – brian t


Sold within 2 days of advertising great boat site – Malcolm R

Very efficient site and boat was sold – Kim M

FAFB perfect place to sell and buy boats basically a Fishermans hub!

Excellent site


Good place to sell your fishing boat

Offers still coming sold it privately but should have waited


You are all 100%, A1, just the best. – alan j

Sold finally. Phew!

Thanks Dave took a while to sell INTREPID , So many Dreamers out there and TIME wasters . but she sold now , local lad from MUSSELBURGH BOUGHTBHER. CHEERS CHARLE JOHNSTONE.

Excellent website .. easy to use & navigate around.. – Roger M


Good site to sell

Great site!

Great site many sales using this web site for many / many years – Alex Clark C

Very good site , this is the third boat I've sold through FAFB

We got there, but it’s a difficult market for selling right now. Still a great platform to promote and sell your boat on.

Quick and easy to use

Great site will use it again hopefully to buy.

As always, a much viewed and thus useful site to sell a boat.

Now sold after several enquiries.

Excellent site. I had lots of response from serious buyers

Perfect thanks – raymond m

fafb came up trumps again – john e

Once again this site has helped me to sell a boat very quickly Thankyou – Alasdair M

A1 sold my boat in a week

Boat sold quickly, thanks FAFBπŸ‘

Sold straight away thanks – raymond m

Very helpful ,great response ,great site πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ» – Tim B

Sold very quickly after advertising. Thank you

The only place to sell a commercial fishing boat. Lots of hits and a number of viewers. Will use again.

The very best site to sell a boat and I have successfully used FAFB on several occasions over the years.

Excellant service, sold almost immediately. Many thanks

Excellent site


Had a very good experience with an Irish based buyer, provide me with a proper bill of sale and no issues with the bank. Thanks to FAFB. Many thanks Sidney van der Harst – Sid v

Great place to sell and buy boats

An excellent site for advertising your boat. Easy to view. Reasonable advertising rates. – John S

Thank you fafb for another successful sale in these difficult times. Best site for weeding out most of the scammers & dreamers – Steve V

Thanks boat sold quite quickly

Great service provided , thank you you for great service – dugald f

Sold thanks

Good web site easy to use had lots of veiws

Boat sold within 2 days and I had plenty interest thanks to FAFB which made the sale and advert so easy. All the very best to the buyer. Fair winds. Thanks to all for your interest. – David A

Many thanks for all the nenquiries, more than 50! The boat is now sold. Appologies if I have not responded to everyone.

Good site to get bigger professional audience and buyers.

Many thanks for your help to get a buyer!

fafb sells boats and gear quicker than any other for a very reasonable rate – anton h

Great website… once again helped us to sell our boat 😎πŸ’ͺπŸ»πŸ‘πŸ» – milo p

Great web page sold to first reply thanks

Excellent service and site

Thanks for your help πŸ‘

Even better than i hoped for. Top man! Thanks

Thank-you for your help all good this end

I've been a fan of FAFB for a long time. You've sold 2 boats for me prior to this and I view the site daily. With luck I'll find the next one there in due course

I'm delighted to say that this enquiry has now resulted in a sale. It was extremely kind of you to forward it - I'm ever so grateful