Neil macaleese

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Price List

Our advert prices are listed below. There are no brokerage fees or additional charges.

Most Popular

Boats for sale

£24.95 + VAT

10 weeks | 35 photos
Video link via YouTube plus optional extras e.g. autobump, second category etc.
Impartial advice or help is available by email if required.

Equipment/services for sale

£9.95 + VAT

10 weeks | 10 photos
  • Youtube video link
  • Impartial advice/help if required

Licences & quotas, fish/shellfish, businesses & properties for sale

£19.95 + VAT

10 weeks | 5 photos
  • 10 weeks online
  • email and text notifications.

See what customers say about FAFB

Optional Extras FAQ

  • Autobump – what is it, how does it work?

    If you are placing a boat advert or an equipment/services advert, you can choose to have your advert brought back to the top of the lists automatically at regular intervals (for example, every 14 days). If you add this option to your advert, you won't need to worry about your advert dropping down the lists, as the system will regularly bring it back to the top of the lists. You can see autobump prices below.

  • Additional categories – what are they?

    If you are placing a boat advert or an equipment/services advert, you might want your advert to appear in more than one category. For boats adverts you can select two additional categories. For equipment/services, you can select one additional category. You can see prices for this option below.

  • Bump-up – what is it, how does it work?

    Once your boat advert has been on FAFB for a while, it will start to fall down the lists as newer adverts are displayed. If you want your advert to go back to the top of the lists again, you can go into your MyFAFB and select the "Bump" option for your advert. There is a small one-off cost for this service, which you can see in the price list below.

Full Price List

Standard boat ad
£24.95 + VAT
Video link via YouTube plus optional extras e.g. autobump, second category etc.
Impartial advice or help is available by email if required.
35 photos, 10 weeks

Budget Boat Ad Boats under £3000
£9.95 + VAT
Only for boats with a stated realistic price of under £3000.
10 weeks, 10 pictures, no optional extras.

Renew standard boat ad
£19.95 + VAT
Renew your boat ad for 10 weeks

Renew Budget Boat Ad Boats under £3000
£9.95 + VAT
Renew your budget boat ad for 10 weeks

Bump up your boat ad
£6.95 + VAT
35 photos, 0 weeks

14 day autobump
£4.95 + VAT
0 photos, 0 weeks

Boat wanted ad
£19.50 + VAT
0 photos, 10 weeks

Boat Transport Services
£24.95 + VAT
Boat Transport Services Advert online for 10 weeks

Equipment/Services for sale
£9.95 + VAT
10 weeks, 10 photos and video

Free FAFB Jumble ad
FAFB Jumble free adverts are for private sellers only and for second-hand equipment with a total price of less than £400

Licences & Quotas, Fish/Shellfish, Businesses & Properties
£19.95 + VAT
5 photos, 10 weeks

Free crew/jobs ad
Free service for crew and employers 2 weeks online ,

Dealers, Companies, Brokers
Discounted packs of 10 ads – must be used within twelve months
20% off

Banner Ads
£300 + VAT for 12 months
Randomly-displayed on every page of FAFB.  Full details on application.
Use the FAFB enquiry form to express your interest.
See the current banner list here.

Optional Extras

Boat Ads
Every 14 days £17.99
Extra Categories
Second category £19.50
Boat Transport Services Ads
Every 7 days £29.99
Boat Wanted
Extra Categories
Second category £4.99
Equipment & Services Ads
Every 14 days £3.99
Extra Categories
Second category £3.99
Fish/Shellfish Ads
Every 14 days £3.99
Irish Tonnage Ads
Every 14 days £3.99
Licence Ads
Every 14 days £3.99
Quota Ads
Every 14 days £3.99

Payment Methods Available

Payment methods available are Visa, Mastercard, PayPal and Apple Pay

Read about payment security on FAFB